I have created a Web page for the Green Trails maps for Mt. Rainier NP and the adjacent lands. Green trails maps are only available in print format in their full size. They use 6 maps to cover what the USGS topographic maps takes 15 maps, so you can see the difference in scale (1:69,500 to the USGS 1:24,000 topo maps or 1:62,500 larger scale maps).
Green trails does have a few downloadable maps, only Mt Rainier East for the NP, but not really that good for viewing, the two for this area wouldn't display (truncated). Green trails also has a iPhone App for the Wonderland trail map and other maps. The app is free but the maps are $0.99 each and the reviews aren't glowing in the least.
I also reviewed and fixed the broken links in the map resources Web page. I apologize for any problems folks had with the links. It's hard keeping track of all the links on all the Web pages and I usually just wait until I work on related pages. You're always welcome to send e-mail when you enounter problems.
That's it for now. The June reports are next on the list to do for the Website.
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