Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Winter Photography

I have added two Web pages for winter photography in Mt. Rainier NP. The first is an introduction and overview and the second is a map of locations. It's the initial version and will be reviewed and updated over the winter as I find more information.

You're welcome to send suggestions, comments, problems or questions. I haven't been a winter person in the last few years due to health reasons so my experience is limited to a few areas so I'm relying on other people who have information or recent experience in the NP. And some of the information is translated from spring to fall trips and my winter experience in other areas and reports by the news, media and outdoor groups.

If you do plan a winter photography trips, it would be wise if you don't any experience with winter in the NP, you find people who are, because it's a different world, and can easily be unforgiving if you get too far in the backcountry. I've been there often enough to know navigation and winter skills are not just essential but mandatory. Lots and expanses of snow hides a lot of details and can make things difficult and cold.

In addition, make sure your photography equipment, especially the camera(s) are cold weather tolerant. A lot of situation in cold weather which creates problems, like freezing lenses, battery failures, frost on filters, and especially electronics problems or failures. The last thing you need is to get there and everything quits or freezes.

Anyway, that's it for now. Stayed tuned, it will improve and there will be more Web pages over the winter.

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