Monday, August 3, 2009

MPG V2.6.1

I have updated the Mt. Rainier NP photography guide, found here, with new Web page links and new information on future work. You can also use the blog version, found here or listed in August 2009 entries. The news Web pages are for the backcountry hikes with a map, the first USGS topographic map of the NP published in 1915, and the new help and services for photographers and their plans and preparations for visits and work in the NP.

What hasn't been done, and I've apologized for the delays, are the area photography guides. To date only the southwest area, Nisqually entrance, has been completed. The Paradise area is scheduled for release in mid-August and the Carbon R & Mowich Lake area in late August. No timeframe has been established for the last two (northeast and southeast) quadrants, but it's now estimated for early October.

As you can see from the table of contents, there still are some sections left to do as well as sections in some of the existing sections, namely the history and 1896 expedition projects. The work on these will continue as I can find time to focus on the research and information. The reasons for the delays are the old adage about being a small personal business with yourself as the only employee. Things take time, and life keeps interferring with plans.

Other than that, the photo guide and history projects are there, and I hope they're helpful and informative, but then I only know if you say so or have comments, suggestions, questions or problems.

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