Sunday, November 28, 2010

December Update

I have updated the news, conditions and access, and monthly prospects Web pages for December. In short, December is the first month of full winter operations and snow is present almost everywhere in the NP. All the entrances are closed at the boundary except for the southwest (Nisqually) entrance where snow is present at Longmire and the road to Paradise is controlled at the gate just east of Longmire and at the Nisqually bridge if snow chains are required.

In addition I have updated the four blog entries on snow, in list just before this post. There is some overlap with each of them but they also each focus on a different part of winter weather in Mt. Rainier NP. I also wanted to consolidate them from the last three years of these posts, and can then add new future versions of these which better present the information.

And lastly, the suite of (8) Web pages on the laws governing the NPS and Mt. Rainier NP is almost done with only two of the eight to go. I'm not sure why I researched and produced them except for my own information and knowledge and found they might be of interest to readers here to understand the history of laws, regulations and policies relating to the NP.

I've also added recent entries on snowmobiles and my todo list of Web pages for the Mt. Rainier NP photo guide. I don't have a schedule with the items and often several are always in production so I can have a variety of things to do. Otherwise, that's it, and you're always welcome to send me e-mail with your questions, suggestions or comments.

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