Thursday, May 1, 2008


I've added three new Web pages for the photogrraphy guide to the NP. These are about lakes in the NP, 46 with names and 2 just outside the NP accessible through trails in the NP of the 400 mapped lakes in the NP. Many of unnamed lakes are either small, remote or intermittent (seasonal or temporary) and haven't required a full identification or description in publications or on maps.

The lakes in Mt. Rainier NP are divided into three catagores, two major ones and one obvious one. The lakes are generally divided by their location, namely elevation, in relation to the treeline, where they are either surrounded by forests or above the treeline and are open or in geologic features such as tarns, cirques, etc. The third type are the scenic or photogenic ones, most of which are alongside roads, listed below for easier identification for location.

For the photographer, the scenic or photogenic lakes are interesting for their beauty and view of Mt. Rainier (mountain) as a backdrop. The hardest part of photographing them is the light and wind, the former makes the image or photo difficult and the latter may spoil any reflection. As they say in photography, it's all about light and timing, so you have to plan, and often make multiple trips.

The two other types makes for a lot of interesting photo opportunities if you want to capture more than just Mt. Rainier itself. They afford you the opportunity to capture much of its uniqueness and nature. As they say, it's in the eye of the photographer, so I invite you to visit the other lakes too, listed in the list of lakes or found on the map of lakes Web pages.

Unfortunately there isn't much on-line or published information about the lakes in Mt. Rainier NP, and what does exist are often research studies related to water resources investigations or academic research. The Washington State Department has some information with their Water-Supply Bulletin series on lakes. The USGS did one study in August 1983, available here, on a dozen lakes.

And the Web pages? You can read the Introduction, and view the lakes in the NP via a Map or a List, both of which have some information about the lake and the access to it. As always, you're free to send me e-mail about problems, suggestions or questions.

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