Thursday, June 18, 2009

First USGS map

The first topographic map of Mt. Rainier NP was produced by the US Geological Survey (USGS) in 1915 from two traverse surveys from Kaposwin or Eatonville to McClure Rock in Mt. Rainier NP (northeast of Jackson Visitors Center at Paradise) in 1910-11 and 1913 and from plane-table surverys of the peaks in 1911-12.

In addition a rconnaissance was done to establish the extent of the glaciers on Mt. Rainier down their respective river valleys. This was part of the observations and monitoring of the glaciers, beginning with the Nisqually Glacier, and which has been continued by the USGS and the National Park Service (NPS) along with research into the other glaciers of Mt. Rainier.

The 1915 topographic map established the base map for future editions and research studies of Mt. Rainier NP, including the later updates in 1938 and 1971 with intervening revised editions of the map when the boundaries of the NP were remapped for new lands included in the NP and the latest extent of the glaciers was established.

You can get the complete description and map of the sites used for the map on Web page.

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